Replacing my Octopress blog with 200 lines of Babashka


Seven years ago I started writing about my adventures with Clojure. I started using Octopress back then and was still using it until today. Octopress worked great for my blogging purposes and I'm grateful that it existed. However, in recent years I became frustrated with the experience of using it, which is probably due to a lack of my familiarity with the Ruby ecosystem. On every new system I had to install a version of Ruby that happened to work with Octopress, which wasn't always the case. When it did work, I started getting deprecation warnings from Ruby while compiling this blog. On top of this, Octopress seemed no longer maintained. The website says "Octopress 3.0 is Coming" but this announcement was from 2015 and the website hasn't been updated ever since. It felt like time to move on.

Requirements for replacement

I started thinking of what was essential for me when writing blog posts and came up with this list of requirements / wishes:

My blog has the following essential components:

The primary goal of this blog is to share some of my experiences. Of secondary importance:

The language I am most fluent in is Clojure. Babashka is a scripting tool that has similar startup characteristics as Ruby so it would be nice to keep that from my Octopress experience. Let's see if I can rewrite my blog with a babashka script.

Rewriting in babashka

I started with copying each markdown file in source/_posts and moved them to a directory posts. In Octopress, blog posts start with a section like:

layout: post
title: Figwheel keep Om turning!
date: 2014-09-25 21:00:50 +0200
comments: true
published: true
categories: [clojure, clojurescript, figwheel, om]

I removed these sections replaced them with maps in a file called posts.edn:

{:title "Figwheel keep Om turning!"
 :file ""
 :date "2014-09-25"
 :categories #{"clojure" "clojurescript" "figwheel" "om"}
 :legacy true}

The maps are top level values so I can easily append new ones programmatically. The :legacy true flag is for blog posts that existed before the rewrite so I can create redirect pages for them. I plan to no longer include the date in the direct blog post URLs, but I don't want to break the web for older blog posts. I might switch back to including this metadata in the blog posts themselves and parse them out, but so far this worked out well.

Then I started writing the render.clj script which iterates over every entry in posts.edn and renders markdown files to HTML.

To do markdown rendering from babashka I'm using bootleg by Crispin Wellington which is available in the pod registry.

I had to fix a couple of things to get the rendering back that I had with Octopress. Links without markup: instead of [foobar](, were rendered as an a element before, but bootleg, which uses markdown-clj doesn't do this out of the box.

Another tweak I had to implement is support line breaks in the middle of markdown link syntax, since emacs's fill-paragraph sometimes causes that to happen:


The tweaks:

(pods/load-pod 'retrogradeorbit/bootleg "0.1.9")

(require '[pod.retrogradeorbit.bootleg.markdown :as md])

(defn markdown->html [file]
  (let [markdown (slurp file)
        ;; make links without markup clickable
        markdown (str/replace markdown #"http[A-Za-z0-9/:.=#?_-]+([\s])"
                              (fn [[match ws]]
                                (format "[%s](%s)%s"
                                        (str/trim match)
                                        (str/trim match)
        ;; allow links with markup over multiple lines
        markdown (str/replace markdown #"\[[^\]]+\n"
                              (fn [match]
                                (str/replace match "\n" "$RET$")))
        html (md/markdown markdown :data :html)
        html (str/replace html "$RET$" "\n")]

Since this is my personal blog solution, I'm not too worried about these hacks and not being able to use $RET in the text of my blogs. If I were to publish this as a framework or library I would have solved it at the root level, but that wasn't a cost I was ready to pay now. After these workarounds, it was pretty straightforward to support the most essential things my Octopress blog did.


Clojure syntax highlighting works pretty well with highlight.js which I include like this:

<link rel="stylesheet"
<script src="//"></script>

After that it just pretty much worked. The Clojure syntax highlighting isn't perfect, but good enough for a blog with the occasional snippet in my opinion.


The generation of atom.xml and planetclojure.xml (which only contains Clojure-related posts) were easy to implement with a bit of code:

(def blog-root "")

(defn atom-feed
  (-> (xml/sexp-as-element
        {:xmlns ""}
        [::atom/title "REPL adventures"]
        [::atom/link {:href (str blog-root "atom.xml") :rel "self"}]
        [::atom/link {:href blog-root}]
        [::atom/updated (rfc-3339-now)]
        [::atom/id blog-root]
         [::atom/name "Michiel Borkent"]]
        (for [{:keys [title date file]} posts
              :let [html (str/replace file ".md" ".html")
                    link (str blog-root html)]]
           [::atom/id link]
           [::atom/link link]
           [::atom/title title]
           [::atom/updated (rfc-3339 date)]
           [::atom/content {:type "html"}
            [:-cdata (get @bodies file)]]])])

(spit (fs/file out-dir "atom.xml") (atom-feed posts))
(spit (fs/file out-dir "planetclojure.xml")
      (atom-feed (filter
                  (fn [post]
                    (some (:categories post) ["clojure" "clojurescript"]))

This feed validator gave pretty good feedback on what should and should not go into this XML file.

Rake -> bb tasks

Finally I wrote a bb.edn file with babashka tasks to create new blog posts. E.g. I created this very blog post using:

$ bb new :file :title "Migrating this blog from octopress to babashka"

All implemented tasks so far:

$ bb tasks
The following tasks are available:

new     Create new blog article
render  Render blog
watch   Watch posts and templates and call render on file changes
publish Publish to

This replaces the rake stuff I used to have with Octopress.


I'm pretty happy with how far I got with a couple of hours hacking on the babashka scripts and tasks. The meat of the work is in render.clj which is under 170 lines of Clojure. I feel in control over my own blog again. From here on I can look for a plugin which lets users respond to blog posts and perhaps a fancier design. If you have anything useful to share regarding this, please let me know on e.g. Twitter.

The code for this blog is available here.


Since writing this blog post, this blog has undergone some progressions which you can read about here:

Published: 2021-10-25

Tagged: clojure
