Making markdown-clj babashka-compatible

Recently I migrated the highlighting of Clojure code in this blog from CLJS to pure babashka code. See this blog post.

For rendering markdown files to html files I was using bootleg as a pod. A pod is a binary which can act as an RPC server for babashka. Learn more about that here.

Today I noticed a new PR in bootleg. The user who submitted the PR also used bootleg for markdown compilation in babashka, but bootleg didn't expose an option that the underlying library, markdown-clj, supports. The PR fixes that.

Then I wondered, can babashka run markdown-clj from source, rather than via a pod? Babashka supports a large subset of Clojure and a large subset of classes from the JVM. By now it can run a fair share of Clojure libraries from source, but sometimes minor tweaks are necessary. I looked at the dependencies of markdown-clj. The only dependency it uses is clj-commons/clj-yaml which is luckily included in babashka. If it wasn't, I'm pretty sure that dependency could be made optional for those that do not need any YAML support in their markdown compilation. When looking closer, I learned that this dependency is used in a small corner of markdown-clj to parse front-matters. I stripped those front-matters out when I migrated from Octopress to babashka, but I realize now I could have left those in. Since the rest of markdown-clj is pure Clojure, there's a reasonable chance it will work with babashka. Let's try and see.

I cloned the repo locally and tried this:

$ git clone
$ cd markdown-clj
$ bb -cp src/clj:src/cljc -e "(require '[markdown.core :as md])
  (md/md-to-html-string \"# 100\")"
----- Error --------------------------------------------------------------------
Type:     java.lang.IllegalStateException
Message:  Can't dynamically bind non-dynamic var #'markdown.common/*substring*
Location: 73:3

The issue here is that SCI, the interpreter running Clojure code in babashka, doesn't understand this way of defining dynamic vars yet:

(declare ^{:dynamic true} *substring*)

Of course this should be fixed, so I filed an issue with SCI here.

But changing the code in markdown-clj to:

(def ^{:dynamic true} *substring*)

doesn't seem to have any downsides and would make that part compatible with babashka. There was another dynamic var that had the same problem. After fixing that, I got:

$ bb -cp src/clj:src/cljc -e "(require '[markdown.core :as md])
  (md/md-to-html-string \"# 100\")"

It worked!

To be sure all markdown-clj tests pass with babashka, I added a test runner. The Cognitect Labs test-runner (Cognitest :-D) works with babashka, provided that you include the babashka compatible tools.namespace fork in your dependencies. The bb.edn so far:

{:deps {markdown-clj/markdown-clj {:local/root "."}}
 {test:bb {:doc "Runs tests with babashka"
           :extra-paths ["test"]
           :extra-deps {io.github.cognitect-labs/test-runner
                        {:git/tag "v0.5.0" :git/sha "b3fd0d2"}
                        {:git/url ""
                         :git/sha "3625153ee66dfcec2ba600851b5b2cbdab8fae6c"}}
           :requires ([cognitect.test-runner :as tr])
           :task (apply tr/-main "-d" "test" *command-line-args*)}

After that, you can run bb test:bb:

Running tests in #{"test"}
----- Error --------------------------------------------------------------------
Type:     clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo
Message:  Could not resolve symbol: org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils/unescapeHtml
Location: /private/tmp/markdown-clj/test/markdown/md_test.cljc:331:11
Phase:    analysis

Ouch. The class org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils, which is used in the tests, isn't available in babashka. Let's comment that one out. Luckily, the tests are already in a .cljc file, so using the :bb reader conditional lets us make changes specifically for babashka while leaving it the same for the other targets:

#?(:bb nil
   (is (= "<p><a href=\"\"></a></p>"
          (#?(:clj  org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils/unescapeHtml
              :cljs goog.string/unescapeEntities)
           (entry-function "<>")))))

#?(:bb nil
   (is (= "<p><a href=\"\"></a></p>"
          (#?(:clj  org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils/unescapeHtml
              :cljs goog.string/unescapeEntities)
           (entry-function "<>")))))

Yes, reader conditionals can be nested. You didn't see that one coming did you? After this change, bingo!

$ bb test:bb

Running tests in #{"test"}



Ran 84 tests containing 146 assertions.
0 failures, 0 errors.

While I was at it, I also added a deps.edn and tasks for running the Clojure and ClojureScript tests.


{:paths ["src/clj" "src/cljs" "src/cljc"]
 :deps {clj-commons/clj-yaml {:mvn/version "0.7.107"}}
  {:extra-paths ["test"]
   :extra-deps {io.github.cognitect-labs/test-runner
                {:git/tag "v0.5.0" :git/sha "b3fd0d2"}
                criterium/criterium {:mvn/version "0.4.4"}
                commons-lang/commons-lang {:mvn/version "2.6"}}
   :main-opts ["-m" "cognitect.test-runner"]
   :exec-fn cognitect.test-runner.api/test}
  {:extra-paths ["test"]
   :extra-deps {olical/cljs-test-runner {:mvn/version "3.8.0"}
                org.clojure/clojure {:mvn/version "1.10.1"}
                org.clojure/clojurescript {:mvn/version "1.10.520"}}
   :main-opts ["-m" "cljs-test-runner.main"]}}}


{:deps {markdown-clj/markdown-clj {:local/root "."}}
  test:clj {:doc "Runs tests with JVM Clojure"
            :task (clojure "-X:test")}
  test:cljs {:doc "Runs tests with ClojureScript"
             :task (clojure "-M:cljs-test")}}}
$ bb test:clj

Running tests in #{"test"}



Ran 84 tests containing 148 assertions.
0 failures, 0 errors.

$ bb test:cljs


Ran 75 tests containing 136 assertions.
0 failures, 0 errors.

After that change, I could use markdown-clj directly in the code for rendering this blog. You can see the diff here. Previously I also used bootleg for hiccup, but babashka already has hiccup as a built-in dependency so that wasn't necessary anymore either. So the blog rendering code is pure babashka now.

I submitted a PR with these changes to the markdown-clj repository. This PR was merged and a new version was published tn Clojars, which is used in the deps.edn of this blog.

Performance considerations

What about performance? Previous re-rendering all of the blog posts took 4 seconds and now it takes a second longer. Running markdown-clj from source is slower than using the pod since the code in the pod is all pre-compiled and doesn't run through SCI. Compiling a single blog post isn't noticeably slower. The difference is small enough to move forward with markdown-clj from source for now. Since it's easy to move between pure babashka, using the bootleg pod or running JVM Clojure, I keep my options open.

After writing the last paragraph, I made this blog's code run with JVM Clojure. Let's compare the time for recompiling all blog posts (which is triggered by a change to e.g. render.clj):

$ touch render.clj
$ time bb render
bb render   3.51s  user 0.17s system 75% cpu 4.891 total

$ touch render.clj
$ clojure -M -m render
clojure -M -m render   21.97s  user 1.21s system 276% cpu 8.386 total

Recompiling the entire blog with babashka is still faster, likely because the startup time on the JVM isn't that good because Clojure has to load more libraries at startup.

If we AOT those libraries then JVM Clojure becomes faster but still the startup time doesn't outweigh the performance of the JVM:

$ mkdir -p classes
$ clojure -M -e "(compile 'render)"
$ time clojure -M -m render
clojure -M -m render   13.91s  user 1.05s system 259% cpu 5.753 total

Most of the time I won't recompile all my blog posts but just one:

$ touch posts/
$ time bb render
Processing markdown for file: posts/
bb render   0.42s  user 0.12s system 79% cpu 0.682 total

$ touch posts/
$ time clojure -M -m render
Processing markdown for file: posts/
clojure -M -m render   5.58s  user 0.60s system 189% cpu 3.266 total


Dmitri Sotnikov, the author of markdown-clj, suggested that markdown-clj could also be made compatible with scittle and nbb. The only change I had to make to the original source was to change cljs.reader into clojure.edn and then it worked:

$ nbb -cp src/clj:src/cljc:src/cljs -e "(require '[markdown.core :as md])
  (md/md->html \"# 100\")"

After adding a runner:

(ns nbb-runner
  (:require [clojure.string :as str]
            [clojure.test :refer [run-tests]]
            [nbb.classpath :as cp]))

(cp/add-classpath (str/join ":" ["src/cljs" "src/cljc" "test"]))

(require '[])

(run-tests '

and a few minor tweaks to the tests, the library runs with nbb:


Ran 75 tests containing 134 assertions.
0 failures, 0 errors.

Published: 2021-11-17

Tagged: clojure
