When designing babashka tasks I was aiming to create something like make
, just
, npm run
: run tasks with almost no startup time overhead, possibly with dependencies between them, but with a language I like to work with: Clojure. One thing I deliberately left out for now was a mechanism that talks about targets and whether to rebuild those targets or not. Another inspiration for babashka tasks was Mach by JUXT which does have such a mechanism, which leans heavily on one function: (mach.core/modified-since [file dir])
Instead of deciding on a built-in mechanism for rebuilding targets, I included the modified-since
function in babashka.fs, which is a library for common file system operations like copying, deleting or moving files, creating symlinks, etc. The babashka.fs
library is included in babashka but can also be used as a library within Clojure JVM programs. Now let's see what this function does.
Let's first take a look at the docstring:
(modified-since anchor file-set)
Returns seq of regular files (non-directories, non-symlinks) from file-set that were modified since the anchor path. The anchor path can be a regular file or directory, in which case the recursive max last modified time stamp is used as the timestamp to compare with. The file-set may be a regular file, directory or collection of files (e.g. returned by glob). Directories are searched recursively.
In other words:
argument can be a file or directory.file-set
argument can be a file or directory.file-set
that were modified since the maximum of all the modified timestamps in anchor
.Let's see it in action.
$ touch a
$ touch b
$ bb -e '(fs/modified-since "a" "b")'
(#object[sun.nio.fs.UnixPath 0x108eff48 "b"])
We see that the file b
was modified since a
. This is because we touched b
after we touched a
Now let's touch a
$ touch a
$ bb -e '(fs/modified-since "a" "b")'
In other words, if a
was a build target and b
was a source file, then we didn't have to rebuild a
again since it was already up to date.
What if a
doesn't exist? In real scenarios this would probably mean that we have to build a
for the first time or that it was deleted, possibly because of clean
task. In that case b
is returned as well:
$ rm a
$ bb -e '(fs/modified-since "a" "b")'
(#object[sun.nio.fs.UnixPath 0x108eff48 "b"])
When the file-set
is a directory, you get all of the files that were modified since anchor
$ mkdir -p src
$ touch src/a src/b
$ bb -e '(fs/modified-since "a" "src")'
(#object[sun.nio.fs.UnixPath 0x69351174 "src/a"] #object[sun.nio.fs.UnixPath 0x40a401b4 "src/b"])
$ touch a src/a
$ bb -e '(fs/modified-since "a" "src")'
(#object[sun.nio.fs.UnixPath 0x778e11d9 "src/a"])
Today I used this function to speed up the rendering of this blog (which reminded me to blog about this function):
(doseq [{:keys [file title date legacy]} posts]
(let [cache-file (fs/file ".work" (html-file file))
markdown-file (fs/file "posts" file)
stale? (seq (fs/modified-since cache-file markdown-file))
body (if stale?
(let [body (markdown->html markdown-file)]
(spit cache-file body)
(slurp cache-file))
Here I used fs/modified-since
simply as a predicate to check if the cached HTML output was newer than the markdown input file: if the result is non-empty, we have to rebuild the markdown to HTML and then store it in a .work
directory. The rendering of this blog went down from rougly 1 second to 200ms after building it for the first time. There are more places where I could do a similar optimization but for now it's fast enough.
I've already used this function several times in bb.edn
tasks file to speed up Clojure builds. Here is an example of not rebuilding a jar file when it's already up to date, without starting a JVM:
jar {:doc "Build jar"
:depends [compile-sources]
:task (if (seq (fs/modified-since bs/jar-file [bs/class-dir]))
(clojure "-T:build jar")
(println "Jar is already up to date" bs/jar-file))}
The technique I used there is to make a build_shared.clj
file which is loaded both by tools.build and babashka. Before launching a JVM, babashka can check if there's anything to rebuild. If the sources for the jar aren't modified since the jar itself, then we can skip launching a JVM entirely. But also within the build.clj
which runs inside of a JVM the same technique can be used.
Here is one more example of how I used fs/modified-since
to skip a lein uberjar
build-server {:doc "Produces lsp server standalone jar"
:depends [java1.8 update-project-clj -uberjar]
:task (when (seq (fs/modified-since -uberjar ["server/project.clj"
(shell {:dir "server"}
"lein with-profiles -user do clean, uberjar"))}
The usage of this function isn't tied to any specific build system or scenario: it's just a comparison of some files with another bunch of files, which makes it generally applicable. This form of optimization does come with a trade-off: e.g. when you forget to take into account changes to deps.edn
or so, you might get a false positive 'nothing to do here'. It might be a good idea to put .cpcache
in the fileset in a deps.edn
project as a sign that the classpath changed. Soon TDEPS-83 will land in the clojure CLI (and soon after that in bb
itself via deps.clj) and then even transitive :local/root
changes will be picked up in this directory.
Hope you enjoyed this little write-up about fs/modified-since
. Thanks again to JUXT Mach where I got the inspiration from.
Happy rebuilding!
Published: 2021-10-30
Tagged: clojure