Porting a ClojureScript project to Squint


Squint is a ClojureScript syntax to JS compiler. I deliberately don't call it a CLJS compiler, since it has some differences with CLJS: all data structures in squint are just JS objects, arrays and iterators/generators. The standard library mimics ClojureScript in that it never mutates if CLJS doesn't mutate, e.g. assoc returns a new object and doesn't mutate the object argument. This approach has a few benefits and of course a few drawbacks. Some of the benefits are that JS interop becomes considerably easier, the bundle size becomes way smaller, in some cases performance is better (but as always, this is very contextual) and sharing a library to NPM to be consumed by other JavaScript projects becomes easier as well. A few drawbacks of this approach are that we lose structural sharing of CLJS data structures (the squint lib mostly uses copy-on-write like how CLJS once started) and you lose the fast equality checks you can get from structural sharing. Note that there is also squint's sister project, cherry which does use CLJS's immutable data structures, but you get a minimum of 350kb project size due to CLJS's standard library being bundled with it and not being optimizable by ES6 bundlers. Perhaps the extra bundle size offsets the drawbacks of squint's direct JS interop approach for you. But let's just see how far we can get with just squint in porting a ClojureScript project!


As a case study in this blog, we're going to look at clojure-mode, a project by Nextjournal which offers a Clojure mode for CodeMirror 6. A request was made some time ago to make this library usable directly from JavaScript as an NPM library. Since most of the code in this project is JS interop (using the excellent js-interop library) it seemed like a good candidate for a squint port. In Martin Kavalar of Nextjournal's own words:

I feel that codemirror and prosemirror extensions are especially well suited for squint as they are interop heavy and the libraries takes care of state using their own re-frame/redux like architecture

Martin asked me if I could do this in a way such that the library would still be usable from ClojureScript as well. One of the ways to accomplish this is to use .cljc files.

Reader conditionals

When porting the project, I added features and fixed bugs in squint to accommodate targeting both CLJS and squint. So almost every .cljs file was renamed to a .cljc file and CLJS-specific code like goog-define was re-implemented using a squint override:

#?(:squint (def node-js? (some? js/globalThis.process))
   :cljs (goog-define node-js? false))

The above expression checks whether we are inside NodeJS, which arguably could have been done without goog-define but my goal was to leave the original code as is.


To ease developing, I added a watcher to the squint compiler, which reads the squint.edn file in your project and then automatically compiles all .cljs and .cljc files in your project to a corresponding .mjs file in an :output-dir (the extension is configurable):


{:paths ["src-shared" "src-squint" "test"]
 :output-dir "dist"}

The watcher can be started with npx squint watch (or yarn squint watch or bun squint watch). In src-shared I put the files which are ported from the src directory, while src-squint has extra files that are specific for the squint port. The src directory contains CLJS-specific files that are not in scope for test.

When running npx squint compile all the files in :paths are re-compiled, which is handy when you want to distribute the project to NPM.

Symbolic namespaces

Before doing this port, other JS files had to be referenced using the JS library notation in the ns form:

(:require ["./my_other_ns.mjs"])

To increase sharing of code, I supported loading namespaces from squint.edn's :paths using the notation we're using to from Clojure(Script):

(:require [nextjournal.my-other-ns])

Stub macros

In a lot of places the js-interop library was used to create literals, functions with JS object destructuring, etc, most of which squint already does out of the box. To accommodate this, I wrote a bunch of macros which basically did nothing and replaces the j alias with a namespace which mocks the js-interop library:

(ns nextjournal.clojure-mode
  (:require ...
            #?@(:squint []
                :cljs [[applied-science.js-interop :as j]])
  #?(:squint (:require-macros [applied-science.js-interop :as j])))

In squint, macros are (currently) loaded via the :require-macros section in a ns form. The squint compiler looks for a .cljc file within :paths, then loads this file using SCI, makes the transformation and the resumes compilation of the transformed form. The reason SCI is used is that squint doesn't know Clojure's data structures at run-time, but you can still use them at compile time. This model is pretty similar how CLJS executes macros on the JVM.

The stub macros for js-interop look like this:

(ns applied-science.js-interop
  (:refer-clojure :exclude [defn get get-in fn let select-keys assoc!]))

(defmacro lit [x] x)

(defmacro defn [& body]
  `(clojure.core/defn ~@body))

(defmacro get-in [& body]
  `(clojure.core/get-in ~@body))

(defmacro fn [& body]
  `(clojure.core/fn ~@body))

(defmacro let [& body]
  `(clojure.core/let ~@body))

(defmacro call-in [obj path & fs]
  `(.. ~obj ~@(map #(symbol (str "-" %)) path) ~@(map list fs)))


As you can see, most of the macros just defer to squint's default behavior. But a macro like call-in, which isn't part of squint, transforms to just raw JS interop.


Luckily the clojure-mode project has a lot of tests. They generally have this shape:

(deftest enter-and-indent
  (are [input expected]
      (= (apply-cmd commands/enter-and-indent input) expected)

    "(|)" "(\n |)"
    "((|))" "((\n  |))"
    "(()|)" "(()\n |)"
    "(a |b)" "(a\n  |b)"
    "(a b|c)" "(a b\n  |c)"))

Squint does not have a testing framework. Currently my thinking is that users should just use Node's built-in testing framework when writing squint projects or whatever else people use for front-end testing. Initially I started porting the tests to top level doseq forms, like:

(doseq [[input expected]
        (partition 2
                   ["(|)" "(\n |)"
                    "((|))" "((\n  |))"
                    "(()|)" "(()\n |)"
                    "(a |b)" "(a\n  |b)"
                    "(a b|c)" "(a b\n  |c)"])]
  (assert.equal (apply-cmd commands/enter-and-indent input) expected))

but this got old really fast since I needed to duplicate 17 tests with dozens of test cases each. So I wrote a really hacky macro which took the deftest + are forms and rewrote them to the doseq forms I initially wrote manually, yielding the following ns form in the test namespace:

(ns nextjournal.clojure-mode-tests
  (:require #?@(:squint []
                :cljs [[cljs.test :refer [are testing deftest]]])
            #?(:squint ["assert" :as assert]))
  #?(:squint (:require-macros [nextjournal.clojure-mode-tests.macros :refer [deftest are testing]])))

Note that instead of (is (= ...)) I'm using Node's assert.equal which performs deep equality and gives nice error messages about non-equal cases. Running the squint tests in CI is now just a matter of running:

$ node dist/nextjournal/clojure_mode_tests.mjs


Once I got the tests running, I discovered some interesting bugs. Before doing the port, squint just used JS's own truthiness. This causes unexpected bugs with code like (or (foo) 1) when foo was a function that could return 0. In JavaScript, 0 is falsey. This was by far the most important cause of bugs in the squint port. After experiencing this pain, I decided to adopt CLJS truthiness in squint, such that (or 0 1) returns 0.

Data structures as functions

Another source of bugs was code like:

({:foo :bar} :foo)

In Squint, {:foo :bar} is just a JavaScript object and those cannot be called as functions as of now. Squint could be clever and just support literal collections in function position by emitting (get {:foo :bar} :foo) but this would break down when the user would push the data literal to a local or var (unless you add some kind of inference). I chose to just rewrite those expressions to use get or contains? instead, which works both in CLJS and squint:

(get {:foo :bar} :foo)


Several other things were missing in squint, like:


Aside from running tests I used vite which is very easy to set up. Just create an index.html page, load your .mjs file from there using:

<script src="js/demo.mjs" type="module"></script>

and run:

$ npx vite --config vite.config.js public

where public is the directory that contains the index.html page.

The most basic vite config:

export default {
  base: './',

This spins up a development server and automatically hot-reloads all compiled JavaScript.

Publishing to NPM

Since the .mjs files are written to dist (as configured in squint.edn), publishing the project to NPM can be done by adding "files": "dist" to package.json To make the dist/nextjournal/clojure_mode.mjs file available when writing

import { default_extensions, complete_keymap } from '@nextjournal/clojure-mode';

I had to add

"exports": {".": "dist/nextjournal/clojure_mode.mjs"}

to package.json.

After that it was just a matter adding a package name and version and hitting npm publish (the first time you're doing this, you need to add --access public when you want to publish the package publically).

The package now lives on NPM!

Use directly from CDN

Having the package on NPM also lets you directly use it from an HTML page using a CDN. The jspm tool can convert a package.json into an importmap. I did this for the squint demo page. There you can see clojure-mode compiled with squint in action, without having to use any build tooling, since everything is loaded directly from a CDN!


It seems squint hits the sweet spot for a project like clojure-mode where most of the code is JavaScript interop. In this blog I demonstrated how to target both CLJS and squint with an existing library. CLJS or squint? Why not both!

Published: 2023-11-01

Tagged: clojure clojurescript squint
