Babashka news of January 2023
If you want to help me keep track of babashka-related news, please contribute to or use the #babashka
hashtag on Twitter or Mastodon.
New releases in the past month: 1.0.170 - 1.1.173 Release highlights:
- Support for
- Include http-client as built-in library
- Compatibility with
- Compatibility with (and other libraries which rely on
and RT/baseLoader
) - Compatibility with eftest test runner (see demo)
- Compatibility with cljfmt
- Support for
and (loaded-libs)
- Support
on vars (which adds compatibility with potemkin.namespaces
) - BREAKING: make printing of script results explicit with
One new book this month:
and several blog posts:
Projects that were new, had updates or were made compatible with babashka:
- asdf-babashka: babashka plugin for the asdf version manager
- babashka-htmx-todoapp: Quick example of a todo list SPA using Babashka and HTMX
- bblgum: An extremely tiny and simple wrapper around charmbracelet/gum
- bb-dialog: A simple wrapper library for working with dialog from Babashka
- carve: Remove unused Clojure vars
- chr: native commands history report for the default terminal users
- clj-kondo-bb: Invoke clj-kondo from babashka scripts!
- cljfmt: A tool for formatting Clojure code
- drepl: Node JS dependency-repl. The node repl you already know with easy library installations
- instaparse-bb: Wrapper library aroud pod-babashka-instaparse
- lein2deps: Lein project.clj to deps.edn converter
- neil: A CLI to add common aliases and features to deps.edn-based projects
- obsidian-babashka: Run Obsidian Clojure(Script) codeblocks in Babashka
- pod-babashka-buddy: A pod around buddy core (Cryptographic Api for Clojure)
- quickblog: Light-weight static blog engine for Clojure and babashka
- solenoid: A small clojure tool for making little control UIs while using the REPL!
- tools.bbuild: babashka version of
- weather: command line util for grabbing current weather for a city using OpenWeather API
Published: 2023-02-05
babashka news