OSS updates January and February 2025

In this post I'll give updates about open source I worked on during January and February 2025.

To see previous OSS updates, go here.


I'd like to thank all the sponsors and contributors that make this work possible. Without you, the below projects would not be as mature or wouldn't exist or be maintained at all.

Current top tier sponsors:

Open the details section for more info about sponsoring.

Sponsor info

If you want to ensure that the projects I work on are sustainably maintained, you can sponsor this work in the following ways. Thank you!

On to the projects that I've been working on!


As I'm writing this I'm still recovering from a flu that has kept me bedridden for a good few days, but I'm starting to feel better now.

Here are updates about the projects/libraries I've worked on in the last two months.

Other projects

These are (some of the) other projects I'm involved with but little to no activity happened in the past month.

Click for more details

  • CLI: Turn Clojure functions into CLIs!
  • scittle: Execute Clojure(Script) directly from browser script tags via SCI
  • nbb: Scripting in Clojure on Node.js using SCI
  • rewrite-clj: Rewrite Clojure code and edn
  • pod-babashka-go-sqlite3: A babashka pod for interacting with sqlite3
  • tools-deps-native and tools.bbuild: use tools.deps directly from babashka
  • http-client: babashka's http-client
  • cherry: Experimental ClojureScript to ES6 module compiler
  • http-server: serve static assets
  • bbin: Install any Babashka script or project with one comman
  • sci.configs: A collection of ready to be used SCI configs.
    • Added a configuration for cljs.spec.alpha and related namespaces
  • qualify-methods
    • Initial release of experimental tool to rewrite instance calls to use fully qualified methods (Clojure 1.12 only0
  • clerk: Moldable Live Programming for Clojure
    • Add support for :require-cljs which allows you to use .cljs files for render functions
    • Add support for nREPL for developing render functions
  • process: Clojure library for shelling out / spawning sub-processes
    • Work has started to support prepending output (in support for babashka parallel tasks). Stay tuned.
  • neil: A CLI to add common aliases and features to deps.edn-based projects.
  • quickdoc: Quick and minimal API doc generation for Clojure
  • tools: a set of bbin installable scripts
  • sci.nrepl: nREPL server for SCI projects that run in the browser
  • html: Html generation library inspired by squint's html tag
  • instaparse-bb: Use instaparse from babashka
  • babashka.json: babashka JSON library/adapter
  • squint-macros: a couple of macros that stand-in for applied-science/js-interop and promesa to make CLJS projects compatible with squint and/or cherry.
  • grasp: Grep Clojure code using clojure.spec regexes
  • lein-clj-kondo: a leiningen plugin for clj-kondo
  • http-kit: Simple, high-performance event-driven HTTP client+server for Clojure.
  • babashka.nrepl: The nREPL server from babashka as a library, so it can be used from other SCI-based CLIs
  • jet: CLI to transform between JSON, EDN, YAML and Transit using Clojure
  • pod-babashka-fswatcher: babashka filewatcher pod
  • lein2deps: leiningen to deps.edn converter
  • cljs-showcase: Showcase CLJS libs using SCI
  • babashka.book: Babashka manual
  • pod-babashka-buddy: A pod around buddy core (Cryptographic Api for Clojure).
  • gh-release-artifact: Upload artifacts to Github releases idempotently
  • carve - Remove unused Clojure vars
  • 4ever-clojure - Pure CLJS version of 4clojure, meant to run forever!
  • pod-babashka-lanterna: Interact with clojure-lanterna from babashka
  • joyride: VSCode CLJS scripting and REPL (via SCI)
  • clj2el: transpile Clojure to elisp
  • deflet: make let-expressions REPL-friendly!
  • deps.add-lib: Clojure 1.12's add-lib feature for leiningen and/or other environments without a specific version of the clojure CLI

Published: 2025-02-28

Tagged: clojure oss updates

OSS updates November and December 2024

In this post I'll give updates about open source I worked on during November and December 2024.

To see previous OSS updates, go here.


I'd like to thank all the sponsors and contributors that make this work possible. Without you, the below projects would not be as mature or wouldn't exist or be maintained at all.

Current top tier sponsors:

Open the details section for more info about sponsoring.

Sponsor info

If you want to ensure that the projects I work on are sustainably maintained, you can sponsor this work in the following ways. Thank you!

On to the projects that I've been working on!


Clojurists Together announced that I'm among the 5 developers who were voted to receive the Long Term Funding in 2025. You can see the announcement here. Thanks so much!

Here are updates about the projects/libraries I've worked on in the last two months.

Other projects

These are (some of the) other projects I'm involved with but little to no activity happened in the past month.

Click for more details

  • SCI: Configurable Clojure/Script interpreter suitable for scr- cherry: Experimental ClojureScript to ES6 module compil- http-server: serve static assets
  • bbin: Install any Babashka script or project with one comman
  • sci.configs: A collection of ready to be used SCI configs.
    • Added a configuration for cljs.spec.alpha and related namespaces
  • qualify-methods
    • Initial release of experimental tool to rewrite instance calls to use fully qualified methods (Clojure 1.12 only0
  • clerk: Moldable Live Programming for Clojure
    • Add support for :require-cljs which allows you to use .cljs files for render functions
    • Add support for nREPL for developing render functions
  • deps.clj: A faithful port of the clojure CLI bash script to Clojure
    • Upgrade/sync with clojure CLI v1.12.0.1479
  • process: Clojure library for shelling out / spawning sub-processes
    • Work has started to support prepending output (in support for babashka parallel tasks). Stay tuned.
  • neil: A CLI to add common aliases and features to deps.edn-based projects.
  • edamame: Configurable EDN/Clojure parser with location metadata
  • quickdoc: Quick and minimal API doc generation for Clojure
  • fs - File system utility library for Clojure
  • tools: a set of bbin installable scripts
  • sci.nrepl: nREPL server for SCI projects that run in the browser
  • html: Html generation library inspired by squint's html tag
  • rewrite-edn: Utility lib on top of rewrite-clj with common operations to update EDN while preserving whitespace and comments
  • instaparse-bb: Use instaparse from babashka
  • babashka.json: babashka JSON library/adapter
  • squint-macros: a couple of macros that stand-in for applied-science/js-interop and promesa to make CLJS projects compatible with squint and/or cherry.
  • grasp: Grep Clojure code using clojure.spec regexes
  • lein-clj-kondo: a leiningen plugin for clj-kondo
  • http-kit: Simple, high-performance event-driven HTTP client+server for Clojure.
  • babashka.nrepl: The nREPL server from babashka as a library, so it can be used from other SCI-based CLIs
  • jet: CLI to transform between JSON, EDN, YAML and Transit using Clojure
  • pod-babashka-fswatcher: babashka filewatcher pod
  • lein2deps: leiningen to deps.edn converter
  • sql pods: babashka pods for SQL databases
  • cljs-showcase: Showcase CLJS libs using SCI
  • babashka.book: Babashka manual
  • pod-babashka-buddy: A pod around buddy core (Cryptographic Api for Clojure).
  • gh-release-artifact: Upload artifacts to Github releases idempotently
  • carve - Remove unused Clojure vars
  • 4ever-clojure - Pure CLJS version of 4clojure, meant to run forever!
  • pod-babashka-lanterna: Interact with clojure-lanterna from babashka
  • joyride: VSCode CLJS scripting and REPL (via SCI)
  • clj2el: transpile Clojure to elisp
  • deflet: make let-expressions REPL-friendly!
  • deps.add-lib: Clojure 1.12's add-lib feature for leiningen and/or other environments without a specific version of the clojure CLI

Published: 2024-12-31

Tagged: clojure oss updates

Thanks for giving!

Dear sponsors,

It's almost Thanksgiving again. We don't have this tradition here in The Netherlands, but I do think it's a good to have a special day to count our blessings. I feel very blessed because of your ongoing support. My Clojure projects wouldn't be as well maintained and fully featured if I didn't have the sponsoring that I have currently.

You can read about the past year of OSS updates (and further back) here. Main projects are still clj-kondo, babashka, SCI, scittle, squint.

You can read about my plans for the next year here (a vote would be appreciated as well if you happen to be a CT sponsor!).

Feel free to reach out if you want to contact me about anything. Here, on Clojurians Slack, e-mail (michielborkent@gmail.com) or otherwise. I'd love to chat and catch up with you about how you are using (some of) my projects.

Here's to another year of Clojure OSS! Thanks for your support!

With gratitude,

Michiel Borkent / @borkdude

PS: if you aren't sponsoring, but are interested, here are the main ways to do so:

Sponsor info

Published: 2024-11-27

Tagged: sponsors
